For Christmas this year, I thought it would be fitting if I drew all of my nieces and nephew's pictures of their favorite things since they're finally getting about that age to remember things, as well as have things that they geniunly like. I was/am really excited how these turned out, as well as their reactions, however, I am not too thrilled with the manner in which I photographed these.
Here are some project specs. 
8x8 Black Frames
Drawn with Ink, I used Microns, Pentels, and This other pen that I have no idea who makes it (but I can look for the pen in a minute I guess...)
Eitherway, the kids loved them, and that's what matters. 
Lightning McQueen and Mater from Disney Pixar's Cars
For my nephew, Parker, age 17 mo
Dumbo from Disney's Dumbo
This is for my niece, Addy, 14mo
This movie is absolutely freaky, but I doubt my niece has seen it, she just likes elephants, and i really like drawing disney stuff for my kids. This drawing was absolutely impossible. Something about Disney's faces and me just don't fare well. I probably spent an entire day trying to figure out tinkerbell's face. 
Winnie the Pooh, from Disney's Winnie the Pooh
For my nephew, Kade, 12 mo
This is probably my favorite scene from the entire winnie the pooh series, well...i mean it's not the tree scene, but pretty much anytime pooh gets stuck in honey, I love it. 
Tinkerbell, from Disney's Peter Pan
For my niece Amelia, 4 years
Amelia embodies tinkerbell, she is super sassy and always has been. I hope she grows out of it, but until then, shes a little tink. I was absolutely terrified she would hate this, but she made her mom take down a picture in her room and hang it up immediately. 
Dr. Tinkerbell, alteration from Disney's Peter Pan
For Penelope, who might as well be my niece, 4 years
Clarification, Penelope is obsessed with doctors and nurses and health. I'm pretty sure she's going to be a doctor when she grows up. Kind of funny how you see that in some kids. 
Ariel, from Disney's The Little Mermaid
For my niece, Kiera, 3 years
I'm not going to lie, this is probably my favorite one. Something about it just seemed so natural. It's probably because I used to draw little mermaid when I was younger. Thought she was a babe. 
Steamboat Willie, from Walt Disney's Steamboat Willie / Mickey Mouse
For my nephew, Dylan, 2
Let's not joke around here, Mickey mouse is probably the reason all of us draw
Mickie and Minnie Mouse, From Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse
For my niece, Aiva, 2 years
Superman, from DC's Superman/ Animated Series
For Micah, who might as well be my nephew as well, 4 years
I wanted to incorporate outerspace elements into this, but I liked this action pose better. Micah is definitely going to space, and I'm pretty jealous. If I could be a toddler again, I wish I knew a quarter of what he knows about space. 
Wolverine, from Marvel's X-Men/ Animated Series
For my nephew, Logan (who is named for the character), 5 years,
When I was my nephew's age, I was absolutely obsessed with Wolverine. I had tons of X-Men toys, but I only wanted to play with the Wolverine one. I was absolutely devastated when I lost it in my mom's motorhome that one year. Forever remembered. 
Batman, from DC's Batman/ Animated Series
For my nephew, Kai, 5 years
I used to love this series growing up, I can remember waking up really early to watch it, and I'm pumped my nephew is into it. Also, I can remember a birthday I had where I only wanted batman toys. Best. Birthday. Ever. 
The Walking Dead, from Image's The Walking Dead
For my brother, Troy, 28 years. He was my secret santa, and I thought he'd feel left out. Also Walking Dead is a great comic series, so I couldn't resist. 
XMAS Drawings!!

XMAS Drawings!!

For Christmas this year, I wanted to draw all of my kids their favorite things, and to be honest, probably some of my favorite things too.
